Czech / Overseas Music University affiliated professor

Poland in the north, Slovakia in the east, Austria in the south, and the Czech Republic bordering Germany in the west. Separated from Slovakia in 1993.The capital is the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and the Prague Conservatory, and the Janacek Academy of Music in Bruno.

Katerina Englishover Sensei

Learn from a world-class harpist who also teamed up with Rostropovich.

Katerina, who has performed with the world's leading people, including the cello master Rostropovich, teaches the fascinating harp playing method.

The chief clarinet of Prague Broadcasting Symphony, which stimulates the Czech music world.

Professor Stephan Kotnik, who continues to inspire contemporary composers, teaches Kura full of excitement and charm.

Bassoonist of Prague Broadcasting Symphony, one of the three major Czech orchestras.

Learn from Michael Werner, a professor at the Prague Conservatory, a master of ensembles and solos from numerous Czech CD labels.

Professor at the Prague Music Academy, active in the Czech Trio.

The cellist of "The Czech Trio", the world's best piano trio that keeps the sound of Czech tradition, pushes your limits.

A professor at the Prague Conservatory, who goes on the royal road as a Czech talent.

Professor Rezek's super lesson, which has won many international competitions and has already experienced more than 40 stages in his 1300s.

Czech horn player who works hard to train young people.

While playing an active part in the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Izzy Havelique is passionate about teaching by organizing a number of international courses.

Professor at the Prague Conservatory, active in the famous Czech Trio.

The sound of the Czech tradition of "the country of strings" taught by the second daughter of the famous Czech violinist Josef Vlach.

Professor at the Prague Conservatory, active in the prestigious Czech piano trio.

Professor Langer, who is the chief of the piano department at the Prague Conservatory and is a leader in the Czech chamber music world.High-quality guidance and a gentle personality are attractive.

Whether it's lessons or personal connections, he is a teacher who will lead to your future.

Ada Srivanska, one of the best orchestras in Prague, is a violinist of the Prague State Opera Orchestra and has an immeasurable network in the music world.

An unknown trumpet master who is active in the Czech Republic.

Dimital, with a wide repertoire from classical to jazz to Latin, teaches the trumpet for everything.

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